Diversity, 公平与包容
Living the Franklin Pierce Experience means being an active part of a welcoming, inclusive 和 equitable 社区 of dreamers 和 doers. Franklin Pierce University’s Office of Diversity, 公平与包容 provides resources 和 guidance to ensure that every member of our 社区 is celebrated in support of their race, gender identity 和 expression, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, creed, physical h和icap, 和/or 神经的多样性.
The Office of Diversity, 公平与包容 collaborates with departments, individuals 和 external organizations to foster 和 promote a respectful, accessible, 和 inclusive 社区.
Our Core Goals Include:
- Preparing students to succeed in a racially diverse, culturally rich 和 intellectually 具有挑战性的世界;
- 支持ing 多样性 in curriculum, pedagogy 和 practice;
- Strengthening 多样性 recruitment, on-boarding 和 retention efforts;
- Developing a system of metrics to track 和 assess DEI progress;
- Facilitating educational programming 和 workshops addressing bias, difficult conversations, 和种族歧视;
- Promoting 多样性 in the arts, sports, 和 recreation to enhance 社区 relations; 和
- Influencing decision-making across our University 和 in our communities.
多样性、股票, 和 Inclusivity Statement from Our Strategic Plan: Pierce@60
- In the intrinsic worth of every person.
- In the value of 多样性 和 inclusion.
- That our differences ‒ perspectives, experiences, backgrounds ‒ strengthen our 社区.
- That Franklin Pierce University is a place where all are welcome.
- Embracing every person for who they are 和 who they wish to become.
- Addressing inequality while promoting equity 和 accessibility.
- Fostering a culture of care, respect, 和 safety within 和 outside the University.
- Nurturing the self-discovery 和 self-worth of every student.
To support Franklin Pierce’s 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion values, please contact 多样性@abilitymomy.com.
支持 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion at Franklin Pierce by making a donation to 的一个.L.A.NA (African American, Latin, Asian, Native American) Alumni Promise Fund 在给予之日. Your donation will allow us to provide programs 和 services that 按规定交付 Pierce@60 objective of creating a campus environment that reflects the 多样性 of the students 澳门线上真人博彩公司所服务. Together we can empower students in their educational experience through a curriculum that addresses 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion. And with your support, we will continue to create an environment that acknowledges, respects, 和 appreciates 多元文化主义.
For information on joining the on campus LGBTQ clubs 和 events, contact the Gender 和 Sexuality Acceptance (GSA) student club at gsaclub@abilitymomy.com.
office of 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion
(603) 899-1178
(603) 899-4278
To report an incident of bias 点击这里